Easy and free sign up
Registration Register to Weladee is easy and free. Let's start it. Not more than 2 minutes input 1. Input your company address information. Fill it with accurate information. 2. Point your company address on the map This step is important because you can define the position on the map you will allow your employees to clock in/out. If you have several places, don't worry, you will setup them later. Point the exact location 3. Fill your information Last setup page. You register your user name. It will give you access as the administrator account on Weladee for the company. Confirm email You will receive an email within 3 minutes. Check your SPAM/JUNK folder if you didn't get the email. Email Click on confirmation link. Be aware this link is valid for 1 hour only. Well done. You are done. You can now click on "Sign in" to start using Weladee.