
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก มกราคม, 2022

Employee of the month

Employee Of The Month Any HR manager knows that tools like "Employee Of The Month" is very good to keep a great spirit in the team and improve staff productivity. A new functionality (January 2022) has been launched on Weladee. You can now select the employee(s) of the month and publish it on Weladee. All employees will be alerted and see the employees who have been elected as employees of the month. Employee of the month in Weladee Portal Very easy to proceed: Go to "Employee Of The Month" menu in "Management" Select employee from the list Select the month & year Set a Title in Thai & English like: "Our best customer support of the month" Set a short description in Thai & English: "Thank you so much for the support you give to our customers". Print A4 certificate you can post in office, restaurant, shop Your employees will see the following alert on their mobile. Everyone knows who is the Employee Of The Month. See the cer...