
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก กรกฎาคม, 2023

The Importance of Employee Reviews for a Better Workplace

  The Importance of Employee Reviews for a Better Workplace Employee feedback is crucial for improving the employee experience and increasing employee retention. By collecting feedback, companies can identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to create a more engaging and satisfying work environment. Here are nine ways to collect employee feedback: New Employee Survey: Conducting a survey within the first 90 days of an employee's job can help companies understand the employee experience early on. Questions should focus on whether the new employee feels welcome in the team, how they came to work for the company, and whether they feel their goals are reasonable. Employee Engagement Survey: Conducting annual or bi-annual employee engagement surveys is a great way to gather a large amount of employee feedback at once. These surveys should focus on everything that could affect satisfaction, participation, and employee retention. Sharing results and acting on the feedback

Navigating the Downsides of Remote Work

  Navigating the Downsides of Remote Work: Tips for Employers and Employees Working remotely has become a common practice in many industries, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. While it has many benefits, such as increased flexibility and reduced commute times, there are also potential downsides that employers and employees need to consider. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the risks associated with remote work and how to mitigate them. Establishing boundaries One of the most significant downsides of working remotely is the challenge of establishing boundaries between work and personal life. Since remote employees don't have to commute, they may be tempted to start working early in the morning or continue working late into the night. This can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and ultimately, decreased job satisfaction. To mitigate this risk, employers can encourage employees to set clear boundaries by creating a dedicated workspac

Using the Bradford Factor: A Useful Tool for Tracking Employee Absences

Using the Bradford Factor: A Useful Tool for Tracking Employee Absences" When employees are absent from work, it can have a significant impact on productivity and team morale. That's why at Weladee , we prioritize addressing absenteeism by making a clear distinction between excused and unexcused absences. While sick days and personal days are understandable, habitual unexcused absences can cost businesses billions of baths annually. To measure absenteeism rates, we use a formula that takes into account the number of unexcused absences over a specific period. Ideally, a company's absenteeism rate should be as close to zero as possible, which is why we focus on creating a workplace culture that promotes well-being and engagement. By offering unique perks like book clubs and lunchtime speakers, we strive to make our offices a place where employees enjoy being. And when employees do need time away from work, we encourage them to join online classes and clubs to stay connected

Tardiness at Work

  Tardiness at Work: How to Handle It Professionally As an employer, it can be frustrating when employees arrive late to work . Not only does it disrupt the workflow, but it can also lead to decreased productivity and morale. However, dealing with late employees in a constructive and effective manner is important to maintain a positive work environment. Here are some tips on how to handle employees who are consistently late to work: Set clear expectations: Make sure your employees know what time they are expected to arrive at work and what the consequences are for being late. Communicate: If an employee is consistently late, it's important to have a conversation with them about it. Ask them why they are late and see if there is anything you can do to help them arrive on time. Be consistent: It's important to apply your company's late policy consistently to all employees to avoid any perception of favoritism or discrimination. Offer flexibility: Consider offering flexible w