Building a Strong Employer Brand
Building a Strong Employer Brand: 5 Lessons HR Can Learn from Marketing : The HR department is responsible for managing the most valuable asset of an organization : its people. Like marketing, HR also needs to be able to attract and retain top talent. Here are some lessons HR can learn from marketing: 1: Emphasize Branding and Storytelling In the same way that marketing is concerned with branding and storytelling, HR can also benefit from building a strong employer brand and crafting a compelling employee story. This section explores how HR can improve their branding efforts by creating a unique identity and communicating their company values effectively 2: Focus on Candidate Experience Marketing often emphasizes the importance of a positive customer experience, and the same principle applies to HR's focus on the candidate experience. In this section, we discuss how HR can create a candidate-centric experience that engages and delights candidates throughout the recru...